FAQ — Braeden Ayres

This page contains the answers to the most common questions received on this website.
If you don't find your answer here, feel free to ask Braeden using the contact page.


How does pricing work? What do I get when I buy a piece?
All purchases on BraedenAyres.com use a site-based license, which means (rather than buying traditional octavos) a school or organization pays a single price for unlimited usage of a piece. Upon completing a purchase, you'll receive an email with the PDF to download, including a license that allows for unlimited photocopying of the selection. This license, presented alongside your purchase receipt, is sufficient for use at festivals, contests, and for bookkeeping purposes.

Many other scores, however, are available on MusicSpoke.com or on JWPepper, both of which use a more traditional pricing/purchase model. 

Your music is expensive. Why is is $50 for a single piece? 
I understand that $50 seems unreasonable for a single purchase. For a moment, let's imagine you're purchasing a new piece for your choir at $2.50 each from a traditional vendor. If your choir has 25 members, that comes out to $62.50. Compare that to the $50 licensing fee, and you can see that you're already saving money. Add to that the fact that your license never expires, and that you can make an unlimited number of copies, most directors find that it's actually quite reasonable. 

Do you offer any discounts? 
I offer a 30% discount for high-concentration Title I public and charter schools. Check this website (TCLI Low-Income Directory), and if your school is listed in the past two years, contact me with that information and I'll be happy to send you a promo code that will last through the current school year. Other discounts are offered sporadically: the best way to learn of these is to sign up for my email list. 

I'm a music dealer/retailer, and I have a client who would like to purchase your music through me. How does this work?
Unfortunately, I do not have a mechanism in place to work with music dealers at this time. As an independent composer, I want a direct line of communication with teachers and conductors. If you would, I ask that you support me by directing your client to my website and having them purchase their music from me. 

I'm interested in a commission, but I have XYZ questions. 
I'm happy to help. Again, just reach out to me using the contact page

Why does your music have such odd syllabification? It seems like the words are spaced incorrectly. 
See this blog post for the answer. 

I've noticed an error in one of your scores. 
Please tell me! I do all my own score editing, and sometimes things slip by. If you notice an obvious error, such as a collision, odd marking, or an note that is clearly wrong, please let me know and I'll provide you with a revised score free of charge. If you're not sure whether or not something is an error, send me a message and I'll let you know as soon as I can. 


As you can see, I try to maintain a digital open-door policy.
If there's anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to reach out and
ask a question
Best of luck with your music making!